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  • Understanding exposure

    Getting the Right exposure

    The right exposure can make or break any photograph, but what do we mean by 'The Right exposure' ?

  • What is the perfect exposure ?

    Learn how to control your exposures

    A good exposure means that you will have 'exposed' the photograph perfectly for the key elements.

  • Post production is an important part when making exposures.

    Exposure and Post Production

    Once you have learnt what good exposure is you then need to think ahead, pre visualise what you want in the final image and know how to achieve this in post production.

The Right Exposure

The right exposure is different for every scenario. You need to know how to control your exposures for the best results, don't just point and shoot.

Control your Exposure

Learn how to control your exposures to get what you want. Make decisions about shutter speed, aperture and ISO.

Pre Visualise

If you know what you want to achieve in your final image you are half way there. But remember post production is the second step in any photograph.

The camera sees in 'Greyscale'

  • Understanding how your camera makes exposures is key. The camera sees in a series of grey steps, the "Greyscale" and averages out the scene in front of you to a mid grey. It then follows that if your scene is predominantly light or very dark and you just point and shoot the whites will look grey and the blacks will look grey. You need to add some compensation, control your exposure by adjusting one or more settings, this is the Exposure Triangle. These 3 images have been shot using black, mid grey and white card but they look almost identical, this is how the camera "sees" the scene with no input from you.
  • Black, Grey, White card with no EV compensation
  • Black, Grey, White card with no EV compensation
  • Black, Grey, White card with no EV compensation
  • Black, Grey, White card with EV compensation
  • Black, Grey, White card with EV compensation
  • Black, Grey, White card with EV compensation

Controlling Exposure

  • Here the same 3 pieces of card have been exposed but some "Exposure Compensation" has been applied. The black card has -2EV or -2 stops of exposure. We know that the camera sees mid grey when making exposures so we have deliberatly underexposed the black card to obtain the "RIGHT" exposure. The same goes for the white card but we have added +2 EV or +2 stops of exposure compensation. The mid grey exposure is not changed, it is mid grey and is exposed by the camera correctly.

Pre visualising your scene and what you need to do.

  • By understanding how your equipment sees the world in front of you, you are able to take control. When in a very bright situation for example on a sunny beach you can add some extra exposure +EV. If in a dark situation for example a night time scene you can lower the exposure -EV to render the scene correctly. This coupled with a knowledge of post production techniques allows you to shoot for the final image.
    Take control of the Exposure Triangle
  • The right exposure for the scene