This is course is aimed at getting you to speed and I will help you to get the best from your camera settings.We will start from scratch, dig through a few menus and set up the basics, file type, colour temperature, aspect ratio etc.We will also discuss the basics of getting the right exposure. We can then get outside to shoot pictures armed with your new knowledge and put some theory into practice.
We will then take a look at your results on my laptop or your computer and discuss the images with an eye to making improvements (if required) with me offering tips and suggestions.
How to master and take advantage of manual camera settings
Choosing an auto setting or mode to shoot in can seem like the easy option, after all the camera does it all for you dosen’t it ? Well it can do but getting off of auto settings and using your camera in manual mode gives you so much more control of your picture taking. Remember your cameras meter only sees a mid grey and averages out the exposure so if you are working in a dark location or a very bright beach for example it will give you a mid grey exposure. Understanding manual mode allows you to take control of the camera to achieve better images.
Beginners photography tips
Technical 0
Amazing Gigapixel photo of New York
Technical 0
Get more from your phone camera
phone photography 0
Panoramic photography
Landscape photography 1
Editorial photography at music festivals
Editorial photography 0
Cirencester and The Cotswolds have some of the best landscapes in the country. With my help you can make the most of this and other areas of the UK. You can learn more about controlling depth of field for detail in your photography. Understand about the use of shutter speed for creative uses and learn to shoot in RAW format for greater control in post production. Composition is important in landscape photography, I will help you realise the best angles and use of lenses and camera modes to create the perfect landscape photograph.
How to get the best from your mobile phone camera
Better phone photos. Not everyone has or indeed wants a DSLR camera. For one thing they can be expensive and bulky. But almost all of us carry a phone everyday. Knowing a few tips and tricks will help you get the best pictures you can from your mobile device or pocket camera. For example did you know that you can get all kinds of Apps’ that will help you to enhance your photographs with a little bit of post production. If you post to social media like Instagram or Facebook I can help you to make your photos really stand out.
In addition to tuition in landscape photography I can take you further on your creative journey. By using new techniques you can create wide panoramas by shooting and stitching together multiple photographs. Another step in your landscape photography is to shoot HDR photographs (High Dynamic Range) Multiple images are combined to gain the most dynamic range in a single image emphasising the detail in a landscape or any other photograph you may want to create.
A course designed to get you started with archiving your work in Adobe Lightroom
We all love taking pictures but how many time have you “lost” that great shot? The likely hood is that it is still there… somewhere.Understanding Digital Asset Mangement is key to keeping all your photos safely backed up, keyworded and most importantly searchable. Using Adobe Lghtroom we will discuss how to create your Archive, add keywords and metadata and create collections of photos so you can find any picture in seconds.
The right exposure is different for every scenario. You need to know how to control your exposures for the best results, don't just point and shoot.
The basics. Setting up your camera is the first thing everyone should do. With complicated menus here are a few tips to ensure you get the most from your equipment.
Learn how to 'See' Photography is not just about recording the literal, you need to be able to 'see' in new ways. Once you have understood the basics we can develop your own creative style.